工作经历: |
1998.7-2000.9白求恩医科大学,必威生物化学与分子生物学教研室,助教 2003.7-现在必威betway体育app下载生物化学与分子生物学教研室,讲师 2008.6-2009.7 Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center , San diego ,CA,USA,访问学者(博士后) 2012.9.2 -28 教育部来华留学英语团队培训班第四期,天津,结业 2013.1-2013.3加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),CSC-UCLA医学教育培训,访问学者,结业 2015.10.10-17 台湾国立阳明大学,PBL教学观摩学习 |
学术论文: |
发表文章(近三年,10篇以内) 1. Liu, Y.,M. Kan,et al. (2016). "Inhibitory Effects of Tranilast on Cytokine, Chemokine, Adhesion Molecule, and Matrix Metalloproteinase Expression in Human Corneal Fibroblasts Exposed to Poly(I:C)." Current Eye Research: 2016 Nov;41(11):1400-1407. 2. Li, J., O. Li,M. Kan,et al. (2015). "Berberine induces apoptosis by suppressing the arachidonic acid metabolic pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma." Mol Med Rep 12(3): 4572-4577. 3. Shao, D.,M. Kan, et al. (2014). "Celecoxib induces apoptosis via a mitochondriadependent pathway in the H22 mouse hepatoma cell line." Mol Med Rep 10(4): 2093-2098. 4. Li, J., Y. Pan,M. Kan,et al. (2014). "Hepatoprotective effects of berberine on liver fibrosis via activation of AMP-activated protein kinase." Life Sci 98(1): 24-30. 5.Zhao LP, Xu TM,Kan MJ, Xiao YC, Cui MH.A novel uPAg-KPI fusion protein inhibits the growth and invasion of human ovarian cancer cells in vitro.Int J Mol Med. 2016 May;37(5):1310-6. 6.阚慕洁,金玉芬,张纪周,肖业臣,张连芝,刘畅.案例教学法在生物化学实验课——血清脂蛋白电泳教学中的应用[J].中国实验诊断学,2017,21(2):379-381. |